Saturday, April 30, 2011

Our new home

We finished moving all the stuff from our rental home to our new home today.  It was sad to say goodbye to the rental home as it was lovely and had such amazing views.  We don't have a lake at the bottom of the garden in our new home but it is ours and we love it.

The pictures are of the back garden, taken from the deck and the other is the back of the house from the back garden.  

We have alot of work to do, some is urgent some not so urgent, but it is such a great feeling owning a home again :)

We are still sleeping on mattresses but we do have a table and chairs, which is much better than having every meal on a picnic blanket.  Beds and sofa's are next on the list I guess.......


  1. All looks great, I'm curious what's the white thing outside the house, it looks like a pool? x

  2. Congratulations Fleur!
    It all takes time to get things together...we are still trying to get organised, and we've been here for almost 6 years now!
