Monday, February 14, 2011

Birthday time

I can't believe how fast time goes by.  Gracie turned 7 the other day and had her party last weekend at the cinema where we all enjoyed Yogi!  I must add that she had her ears pierced for her birthday and they look lovely - although both Gracie and I nearly passed out when they did the piercing!

She also came home with $15 for winning the Frost fest coloring in competition!  Well done Gracie.  I wish some of her winning luck would rub off on me, still no luck on the lottery.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

A snow day

We woke up this morning to alot of snow and visibility was very bad so no school for the girls and no work for Mick either.  It isn't particularly cold (about -22 with the wind chill) but we sure have a huge amount of snow and its still snowing!  Everything is so efficient here that things will probably be back to normal tomorrow and it does look so very pretty.